テキサス親父Texas father


テキサス親父 トニーおじさん

テキサス親父 公式サイト


本名はトニー・マラーノ(Tony Marano)。1949年ニューヨーク州ブルックリン生まれで独身。誕生日は2月19日。アメリカ合衆国テキサス州在住で年金生活をしながら、YouTubeへ世界のありとあらゆる悪や不正を軽快なトークでねじ伏せる動画投稿を続けている。現在はテキサス親父日本事務局を通してニコニコへ動画を投稿している。厳格なクリスチャンで、保守派。両祖父母がイタリア人だが、トニーの両親が生まれる前に移住してきたため、アメリカ国籍を持つ。両親とは英語とイタリア語の両方で会話していたそうだが、イタリア語はもう忘れてしまっているため現在は英語しか話せないが、時々イタリア語を使うことがある。






テキサス親父(直訳:Texas Daddy)は日本国内での呼び名であり、多言語圏のYouTubeでは誰のことか理解出来ないとされていたが、現在では自ら名乗っているため、「Daddy」「Texas Daddy」「Oyaji」「Texas Oyaji」と呼んでも差し支えない。Youtubeでは主に略称のPBで呼ばれている。テキサス親父という呼び方の正式な起源は不明(2ちゃんねるで生まれたとされる説が有力らしい)。定着したのは、次項「ステーキ店経営の真相」の動画の頃とされている。



The Texas father, is an Italian-American man calling himself "propaganda Buster (PropagandaBuster)" and in Youtube.

His real name is Tony Marano (Tony Marano). Single New York Born in Brooklyn in 1949. Birthday is February 19. While the pensioners in the United States of America Texas resident, and has continued to post videos twist one's arm in a light talk all kinds of fraud and evil in the world to YouTube. I have posted a video to smile through the Texas father Japan Secretariat currently. Strict Christian, conservative. for both grandparents is the Italian, but has been moved to before the parents of Tony is born, to have U.S. citizenship. It seems to have been a conversation in both Italian and English with their parents, but only speak English now because it has forgotten the other Italian, but I may use sometimes Italian.

I moved to Texas in 1979. It worked 30 years in the telephone company AT & T in the United States, the largest celebrated its retirement in 2006. I was about to spend the rest of my life by, for and an opinion letter to the newspaper after retirement, but to know the existence of Youtube to where he was furious for treatment to the maintenance speech was bad. It was going to deal with only American politics initially, many opinions from Japan arrived in the place where it was covered in the video Sea Shepherd. Subtitled video is now available to consumers in a smile at the same time, I began to gain popularity in Japan at a stretch. In addition, it was known "Texas My father runs a steak house at his home in Texas," but is a completely false rumor this (see below). It is said that enjoying the rest of his life long pension life after retirement.

Is well known as a conservative, but an American man through and through who loves freedom. material handling is Sea Shepherd primarily, but has come to also handle political issues of Japan for support from Japan has increased. Tony also has love freedom, and doing the criticism, such as North Korea and China in terms of anti-communism, anti-socialism. You are doing the advocacy of Japan, Korea and Taiwan in Asia, the criticism of the Middle East from the point of view of liberal democracy.

Because you are updating almost every day until today After the start of the Youtube post from 2007 in September, there is a possibility that the known Youtuber around the world. Was showing good reactions to crews and foreign tourists the other in the pick-up at Narita Airport, I saw a big welcome board with printed pictures of Tony, that they know that Tony (Japan Information see below in).

I feel sorry I love Japan and Japan product anyway, it is not justified to buy a made in Japan. Toshiba, digital cameras are using a Canon personal computer. I love chocolate and Meiji Seika Kaisha, Ltd., Yankumi of Gokusen drama version is (Yukie Nakama). You can give to show the English version of TRICK someone.

We look forward to diet currently, w likely had fat and also apparently had too much to eat Japanese food in Japan during
Such as pet name

Texas father (literal translation: Texas Daddy) is the nickname in Japan, it had been that you can not understand anyone or thing on YouTube of a multi-language-speaking, but because you are claiming their own now, "Daddy," "Texas Daddy it is not permissible to be referred to, "" Oyaji "and" Texas Oyaji ". It is referred to by the abbreviation PB mainly in Youtube. Unknown (theory is that it was born in 2 channel seems likely) the formal origin of the nomenclature of Texas father. It was entrenched, it is the time of the video, "the truth of the steak house management," the next section.

You are talking in this clip "Japanese! WIF is call me father Texas at me," and there is a possibility that has been recognized in the Subscribers.

himself is aware of the nickname By the time Asukashinsha have planned a visit to Japan Tony, it came to be used officially from "Texas father speech Collection" was released.










※ ttp://anago.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/dqnplus/1372568749/